One Year Health Guarantee

Our puppies are sold with a current health wellness check signed by a licensed veterinarian (Doctor of Veterinary Medicine). All of our puppies are on a health schedule that include vaccinations against canine distemper, hepatitis, parainfluenza, canine parvo, bordetella (kennel cough) and de-worming. Please make sure to speak to your veterinarian to continue an immunization and de-worming schedule.

Your puppy will have AKC Registration papers that need to be completed online by you when you pick up your new family member. AKC includes a FREE 30 day pet insurance and we highly recommend that you take advantage of this. Your new pal will also need to establish care with a local veterinarian in your area. We ask that a puppy wellness exam be completed within 72 hours of purchase to activate your one year health guarantee.

We are devoted to increasing the quality of life and health of puppies. We health test parents to be certain that your puppy will not have common bulldog health issues such as CMR1, DM, or HUU. All of these bulldog diseases can be avoided through selective breeding. Please understand that you may find a lower priced puppy, but often times this means a lower quality puppy. Do your research.

Our one year *health guarantee is peace of mind that if your puppy does develop a life-ending hereditary disease, despite careful selection, that we will replace your puppy with another as quickly as we can. Note that our bulldogs carry several colors, and no two are alike!

*Health guarantee may not be available for reduced priced puppies. Please ask your breeder if you have questions prior to purchasing.